In the Read Side by Side Reading Program, reading and writing are connected as students write in response to reading.
Students write short writing pieces during the reading block:
✔️Summaries ✔️Opinion Writing ✔️Reflections
✔️Compare & Contrast ✔️Cause & Effect

NEW longer writing units extend writing beyond the reading time!
Writing units will use the read-aloud novel as a mentor text.
Students will use the research notes from the read-aloud unit when writing expository, persuasive, and argumentative writing.
Emphasis is placed on the volume of writing students will produce in a year; the more students write, the better writers they become.
Students learn to use writing to synthesize and extend their learning!
How to get started:
1. Download and read the introduction below.
2. Download each unit. All units are complimentary to teachers using the Read Side by Side Reading Program.

Personal Narrative Prompt: Write about a time when you conflicted with someone (friend, sibling, family member, or bully). Your story will need to tell how the conflict started, how you tried to solve it, how it was eventually resolved, and what you learned.
Persuasive Prompt: Write a persuasive essay to persuade others to learn about Martin Luther King, Jr.
Expository Prompt: Write a summary explaining what you have learned about the civil rights movement, segregation, and the events of Freedom Summer
Realistic Fiction Prompt: Write about a character who performs one or more amazing feats.

Realistic Fiction Prompt: Write about finding, caring for, and rehoming a stray animal.
Fantasy Prompt: Write a story in which a fantastical character enters the real world or a realistic character enters the fantastical world.
Historical Fiction Prompt: Write a series of four diary entries written from the perspective of one of the Corps of Discovery members or tribe members from the book Streams to the River. Each diary entry should tell about one or more important events and reveal the thoughts and feelings of the narrator.
Argumentative Prompt: Write about how the Yukon gold rush impacted both people and the environment. Form an argument as to whether it had a mostly positive or mostly negative impact.
Expository Prompt: Write a summary about what you have learned about trains past, present, and future.

Realistic Fiction Prompt: Write a story about surviving an earthquake.
Persuasive Prompt: Write to persuade others to learn basic survival skills.
Historical Fiction Prompt: Write a series of 4 diary entries that tell one or more events of the Revolutionary War from the perspective of a colonist.
Argumentative Prompt: Write a summary about what you have learned about the regulations regarding agricultural workers under the age of 18. Present an evidence based argument for whether these regulations should be changed.
Science Fiction Prompt: Write a story about the future in which one event or advancement has significantly altered our way of life.

Realistic Fiction Prompt: Write a story in which a mystery is solved.
Expository Prompt: Write a summary about what caused the movement of people from the Dust Bowl region between 1935 and 1940. What geographic and economic factors led to to this movement of people? What challenges did these factors cause? How did the Okies respond to these challenges? How can these past events inform the present?
Argumentative Prompt: Write about what culture is. Can we belong to more than one culture? Make an evidence based argument.

Online Support

Support Center
Online articles and FAQ to teach you about the program and guide your implementation!

Training Center
Self-guided training to teach you about the program and guide your implementation!

Research Articles
Print-ready research articles to support the Read Side by Side Reading Program.

"We are seeing an improvement in student writing as a result of this program, but a love of reading overall!"
4th Grade Teacher Visalia, CA

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