Contact us!
Read Side by Side Publications LLC.
9514 180th St. SE Snohomish, WA 98296
Phone: 425-412-3724 Fax: 425-724-4284
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Sarah Collinge
Public schools advisor and founder.
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Jen Wood
Private schools advisor and support.
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Cara Oye
Ordering and customer service advisor.
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At Read Side by Side, our mission is to prepare all students for life-long reading by providing quality, evidence-based curriculum to engage all readers.
Being a teacher-owned, small business offers us the opportunity to provide something truly different for schools. At Read Side by Side we are dedicated to making sure the curriculum we sell is teacher approved, and raises reading achievement for all students. Our curriculum is affordable, with options for every budget. We do not lock schools into contracts, and there are no subscriptions! All professional development can be accessed through PD books, video trainings, and web call services. We know you will be happy with our products and our customer service! It is our pleasure to serve you and your students!

Online support!

Support Center
Online articles and FAQ to teach you about the program and guide your implementation!

Training Center
Self-guided training to teach you about the program and guide your implementation!

Research Articles
Print-ready research articles to support the Read Side by Side Reading Program.

"This curriculum has been the transforming element of my classroom this year! My kids beg to read and they are making so much progress!"
4th Grade Teacher Minnesota

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