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Nonfiction and the CIA Approach: 3 Things I've Learned

Everyone has that genre that they avoid. For most of my life, it was the genre nonfiction. Maybe I didn’t have a topic I was interested enough in, maybe I didn’t know how to read nonfiction well, or maybe school had spoiled the nonfiction reading experience for me (this is probably most likely). But what I do know is that nonfiction is now one of my favorite genres, and I think writing the Read Side by Side Reading Program and the CIA, Collect-Interpret-Apply, approach to reading gave me a whole new perspective. As we celebrate nonfiction this month, let me share 3 things I have learned.

Background Knowledge for Streams to the River

We are starting Streams to the River this month just as we are finishing our Native American unit...

Background Knowledge in Streams

One reason I love the third CIA unit for 4th grade, Streams to the River, River to the Sea, is the...